Sunday, July 21, 2013

Shopping with a Camera

I have been known to enter and then exit Joann's without purchasing anything!

I have, however, been known to use my cell phone's camera, or even my digital camera, to help me remember what I've seen.

Click on the picture to see my album called "Sewing Fabric Seen."  This does not mean that I bought or ever intend to buy all of these fabrics, but at least something in each picture inspired me in some way.
Sewing Fabric Seen
Here is another album called "Styles" which contains shopping inspirations, both online and in physical stores.
Do you use a camera when you shop?

PS: I rearranged some albums, and here is the album showing outfits I have worn:
Styles Worn


  1. I sometimes use a camera when shopping.However,I'm much more likelly to shop onliine or "windowshop"online.Ithen save the pics of thinhs I like in my Sewing Inspiration folder.

  2. I don't really "shop" with a camera, but I do take pics of inspirational potential DIY projects - artsy/craftsy projects I see while out & about.

    Sometimes I even remember to look at them later! ;-D

  3. Mary, your outfits in your album are gorgeous, and the more so when YOU model them!


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