Sunday, January 8, 2012

More Sewing Progress

No matter how small the accomplishment, sewing progress IS sewing progress.

I have been working on New Look 6343, ever so slowly.  I am using the lines of the black and white view for both the front and the back:

I recently cut out all the pieces.  Today I pinned the lower skirt pieces, and they are now ready to be sewn:

I will post my progress.


  1. It's good to get started isn't it. I enjoy reading your blog. I do find though, it takes forever to load and "freezes" my computer. It just happens on your blog.

    Is it only me or is this a common thing?

  2. My pictures are big. I think you have a slow connection, a slow PC, or not enough memory. Just my thoughts.

  3. Looking forward to the finished version of this skirt - it is on my 'to do'list. Just discovered your site, off now to have a peek around...

  4. Love this pattern! I have it too, but haven't made it yet. Can't wait to see your finished project! I would probably do the black and white combo too as I'm hooked on b & W.


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