Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Housekeeping, but not of the House

I took a lot of pictures while I was working on my skirt and sewing my new bed sheets on Sunday.  Monday and Tuesday evenings I made sure the bed sheet pictures all had "good" captions and that they are in the correct order in my Picasa web album.  I will eventually make a tutorial so that you can make bed sheets, too!

Tonight I tweaked the layout of my blog and cleaned up my blogroll.  I had to remove a couple blogs that no longer exist, and I added a couple, including Male Pattern Boldness.  I cannot believe that Peter's blog was not appearing on my web site!  I will try to be more conscious of this as I trudge read through Google reader every night!

I also made sure that I offer three ways to follow my blog: follow, subscribe with RSS feed, and email.  I just noticed that I need to remove a duplicate list of recent blog posts.  After that, I might be done with tweaking for a while.

If you see a blog feature that you think I should have, please let me know.  I'm always open to suggestions.



  1. I need to do some housekeeping of my blog too. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. your blog looks nice and fresh! I started doing same thing - unfortunately I got distracted and didn't finish!
    you might like to follow this blog - I have decided to TRY and read blog entries from my reader rather than wait until they build up to a huge and off putting amount and I too have unsubbed from some which is hard to do isn't it?
    Looking forward to your tutorial in the future, I still have Pauline's on making pillowcases!Happy sewing, Sue xx

  3. Spring like and cheerful :-) I need to clean mine a bit too.


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